Thursday, July 25, 2013

Zachism’s ~ Just for you Zachary Thomas Pulsipher

This is a blog post for Zach’s would be 15th birthday.  If you are reading this on July 27th, say “Happy Birthday Zach!”  For that is Zach’s birthday.  I have been reminiscing about his life and the MANY things he would say that would cause each of us to smile and laugh!  So, in memory of Zach, today’s blog post is about the things Zach would say to bring a smile to each of our faces.

            When Zach was about 18 months old, he was sitting in his high chair just after finishing his breakfast.  I went to the fridge to get myself a Diet Coke.  I put ice in my cup, and then I began pouring my long awaited refreshment into that cup.  (If any of you know me, you know that I am a diehard Diet Cokaholic!)  After getting my thirst quenching drink poured, I took a sip.  Unbeknownst to me, Zach was watching my EVERY move.  After I took that sip, I heard this little voice say, “tsk…aaahhhhhh!”  I immediately looked over to Zach and he was grinning ear to ear—just as if he had had a sip of that delicious Diet Coke!

            When Zach was about five or six (can’t remember for sure), I had him along with Chelsea, Aaron, and Rachel in the car.  I remember Aaron accusing Zach of farting and Zach immediately replied that he “did not!”  Aaron again said, “yes, you did!”  Zach looked at him and emphatically replied, “well, I didn’t feel the bump!”  Yes, all of us could not stop laughing—sorry about the potty humor—but it was such a cute story—especially in regards to his thought process.

            He loved getting on the phone to talk with his Dad, with me, or with any of his siblings.  Instead of saying, “how’s it going?,” he made up his own version of inquiring as to how you are doing.  He would always ask, “So, how’s it been doing?”  It became his signature question, and each and every time he would ask, we would always smile.

            When Mark came to interview for the cardiology position here in St. George, we had the privilege and opportunity to be shown around by Dr. Roger Millar.  Roger was driving us around in his luxury SUV—a Porsche Cayenne.  Zach was 7 at the time and point blank asked Roger, “Are you rich?”  To which Roger responded, “We have saved our money to buy things.”  Zach later asked Roger, “Have you ever seen a heart explode like a volcano?”  To which Roger responded, “why yes, I have!” 

            At a Father/Son campout, Zach happened to see our Bishop—Bishop Kim Hafen.  In order to understand how funny this was, you have to understand some of the titles given to those who head some of the organizations within each Ward unit.  At any rate, just as an FYI, a Bishopric consists of a Bishop and his two counselors.  When Zach saw Bishop Hafen at the campout, he yelled, “Hey Rick!”  Bishop Hafen replied, “My name is not Rick.”  Zach then replied, “Aren’t you Bishop Rick?”  Bishop Hafen is definitely a good sport and we still laugh about that.

            Zach would be 15 on the 27th of July—this Saturday.  He would have gotten his learner’s permit and then we would be teaching him how to drive.  He would be a sophomore this year in High School.  He would be getting taller and his drumming skills would be even better than the year before.  So many “would have beens” that simply never will be in this life anyway.  But, to know where he is, to know what he is doing, to know how happy he is, brings this mother a great amount of comfort and peace.  How do “I know” these things?   Quite simply, my faith. 

            I miss Zach MORE than mere words can even begin to describe.  However, I feel this incredible urge to serve with ALL my heart…serve in the temple, serve in Special Needs Mutual, serve as a visiting teacher, serve my family.  Interestingly enough, when I am serving with all my heart, I forget myself and I am able to focus on trying to meet the needs of someone who may be suffering.  I have found purpose in doing this.  Most important, I can find myself.

            Zach—Happy Birthday!!!  You are loved and missed!  Until we meet again…

In Loving Memory of Zach

This was one of Zach's favorite groups before he died AND
one of his VERY favorite songs...
He truly is in Paradise

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

From Father’s Day to Anniversary to Wedding to Climbing Mountains

I have so much to say, but all of it is “old news!” 

Father’s Day came and Chelsea, Jeff, Brook, Brielle, Aaron, and Katie were all here to help celebrate the day with Mark.  Without getting too sappy, he is an incredible father!  One story to share about Mark and his choice to be not just a good Dad—but, a great Dad!

When Mark was in medical school, he had the desire to be a cardiothoracic surgeon.  For me, I knew what this meant—LONG lonely hours—with me tending to the children.  He began his internship/residency in surgery and I was prepared for the lifestyle ahead of us, and our family—and ever ready to support him in whatever career choices he made.  Upon his 3rd rotation in his surgery internship, which happened to be neurosurgery, he was pulling extremely LONG hours.  To help you understand, he would leave between 4-5AM and return home somewhere between midnight-2AM, AND taking call every third night—and when he was on-call he had to stay at the hospital—being up all night.  L.O.N.G…hours!  I believe it was around week 3 of this 6-week rotation, he began to look like a walking corpse.  He also began to question if this was the right career path for him and for our family. 

One night, Mark came home late—somewhere between 1-2 AM.  He did not come to bed right away.  Out of concern, I hoisted myself out of bed to find out what he was doing.  As I walked down the hall, I found him in our kids bedroom—sitting on Aaron’s bed holding him in his arms and simply staring at him.  After holding Aaron, he went over and held Chelsea and then looked at me and said, “I can’t miss them growing up.”  He finished his internship in surgery only to turn around and do another internship in internal medicine and went on to be trained in interventional cardiology.  Bottom line, he gave up his dream of being a heart surgeon in order to keep his hand on the pulse of our family. 

Many of you who read this might not understand the sacrifice he made in order to be there for me, for our children, and for the many important events in our children’s lives.  But, I know and our children know and I am ever grateful for the man and father he is.

Anniversary—we celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary. 31 years and still going strong!  Is he perfect?  No…but, neither am I!  However, he is perfect for me!

Wedding—Rachel married Richard and it was simply a beautiful day!  From the temple, to the luncheon, and then on to the reception—everything was perfect!!  I put some pics up on FB—but, I will attach a few to the blog.  It was truly a wonderful day… and… Zach was there with us in spirit and for that I have a heart full of gratitude and joy!

Some of the highlights:
Pictures after the sealing at the temple:  HOT!!!!  Our photographer, Tiffany was a trooper corralling the crowd!
Lunch at the Gun Barrell:  Yummy and some special friends from NC came out for the reception—Rich, Linda, & Josh Pandullo—what a treat to have them come!
Reception:  Picture perfect thanks to Laura who set up and decorated everything beautifully with the added touch of little bunny pictures everywhere.  Rachel wanted magical and I wanted happy—we got both!  Kathy did the flowers and again—every arrangement simply gorgeous!  Robynn catered the event and EVERYTHING was delicious!!!  We even had some wedding crashers come & stealing food.  My brother-in-law-Jamie, sister-Pam, and niece-Lindsay made the cake and it was beautiful!  They even put little lights on the cake to make it sparkle.  The DJ—made the party F.U.N!  The Daddy/daughter dance—a tear-jerker as we all watched Rachel and Mark dance.  The mother/son dance—Aaron kept twirling me to make my dress fly up and he could not stop laughing as I am trying to hold down my dress all the while he is trying to embarrass me—I love him anyway.

I am so grateful to ALL who came and enjoyed in celebrating Rachel and Richard’s wedding day—bottom line…it was “freaking awesome!”

On climbing mountains:  FOUR times…I have climbed Observation Point FOUR times.  Once in April with my sweet friend Julie.  Memorial Day with Mark.  Our anniversary with Mark, Katie, & Aaron.  And, then again, with our good friends Rich, Linda, & Josh.  Climbing up—for me…it is so hard!!!!  On our anniversary, Mark kept asking me, “why are we stopping so much?”  To which I replied, “you are going so much faster than we did last time.”  And then he retorted, “No, we are not!”  When we got to the top, Aaron asks, “So Dad, how long did it take us to get up here?”  Mark replies, “well, we are a lot slower than the last time we came up—but it took us 2 hours.”  With fire in my eyes, “You DID go faster, as the last time it took us 2 ½ hours!!!!”  Mark, “Aren’t you glad I am such a great coach?!”

Our family has had to climb many mountains in life.  The biggest mountain has been  Zach's passing.  I never thought I would be able to get to the top of that mountain.  I never thought I could see the beauty in life again.  I never thought that my heart could withstand the rigors of that climb.  But, climbing Observation Point has taught me that I can climb, that the world is beautiful, that my heart can take the difficult rigors of the climb, and that the view from the top is worth every bead of sweat.  You can gain a lot of perspective from climbing a mountain!  I am grateful I have been able to make that hike with wonderful friends, my kids, and my excellent coach-Mark!

Hillary Weeks sings it perfectly!