Friday, December 11, 2015

No One Should Have To… BUT…

Today marks the 4th anniversary since Zach’s passing.  Where has the time gone???!!!! 

I well remember the day like it was yesterday~obviously, it is a day I will remember for the duration of my mortal life.  As I have been pondering the events of that day and time, I recall many telling me “no one should have to lose a child,” or “no one should have to bury their child.”  I had some letters written to me from people, I do not know, telling me I need to be mad at God or mad when people tell me Zach is in a “better place.” 

The interesting thing about that time in my life is that I found myself in a much different place~sorting through grief, lifting my husband sorting through his grief, lifting my children sorting through their grief, lifting Zach’s friends, and eventually turning it all over to God.  He is, after all, in charge, you know?! 

I prayed with an intensity I never had before.  I read the scriptures.  I attended the temple.  I attended all my church meetings.  I served with all my heart, might, mind, and strength.  (P.S.~ALL of which, I continue to do today).  And by making all those things a part of my daily life coupled with looking to my Savior and my loving Father in Heaven, my life has been deeply blessed.  I have been able to feel my Savior succor me, lift me, and simply love me through this time.

We live in a world where people are forgetting God and forgetting our Savior.  And with that, there is turmoil, confusion, contention, dishonesty, and the list goes on.  We are becoming a very divided country.  How do we get back to “one nation under God?”  I simply think we need to look to Him in every aspect of our lives.  Trials will always be a part of our mortal lives; there is just no way of getting around it.  Instead of bitterness, look for what we can learn.  Instead of turning into ourselves, look for how we can give.  Instead of turning away from God, look to Him with gratitude for giving you your life, and for those precious feelings of being able to love.  When I think about how much I dearly love my family, I feel as if I have been afforded a mere “glimpse” of how much our Father in Heaven and Savior love me.

This beautiful Christmas Season, choose to take your time and not be in a rush.  Especially, choose to be kind.   Choose to find forgiveness in your hearts for those who may have hurt you.  This will personally bring you the much-needed peace in your life.  Choose to find the joy in Christmas.  Each of us has been given the greatest gift of all, our Savior.  His life, His love, His atoning sacrifice are blessings eternal.  Yes, with all the “No one should have to’s,” each of us can choose to turn our hearts to Him.  It is Him, who can help to conquer anything. 

P.S.  A few months ago, I attended a funeral for a sweet little girl who passed away at the age of five.  The funeral was absolutely beautiful and an incredible tribute to this little angel.  A song that was written and sung by Lyndsi Houskeeper, at the funeral, touched me and I wanted to share it with you.  It is titled, “A Moment.” 

Zach~you are missed each and everyday and will be until we see you again.  I love you and miss everything that was “freaking awesome” to you.  Love~Mom

Make sure to put your cursor over the link so you can hear this beautiful song below: